Old Skool

Old Skool
Downers Grove - 1990

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Cat 5!

I fell victim to the classic cat 5 marks...

Clearly it has been many days since i last was able to commute into work. Riding home last night i fell over at a stop light, hurt the pride, and got a sweet tattoo from the chain rings.

I guess every now and then ya gotta take that can't clip out tumble and ding the pride to remember we are all human. The good news is that i did get my commute streak started again - monday and today!! woo hoo!

1 comment:

The Enmark said...

First off, a mark of that caliber is Cat 7, not Cat 5. Second, there is no finer case of needing to get back to the track than this one. My god, you have completely lost all of your track standing skills.

More importantly, there is no rule that says you are not allowed to clean that bike. My entire chain doesn't have that much grease/oil on it.

Sounds like your leg and your bike need to meet Simple Green.

The Enmark