Old Skool

Old Skool
Downers Grove - 1990

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

rollin the trailer.

now my waistline has been expanding and all, but its been a while since I thre on the 75# load for a ride. With Sarah home tending to new baby Owen, it was a good chance for me to get out and get some time with the boys. I think now that they are entirely smashed into each othere there, they actually fight less!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Okay - so its been a ridiculously long time since the last post. Most of the reason is that when you don't ride, there is not much to write about. The laundry list of excuses I am sure are familiar to you all. I got punched in the work, rain, schedule, family, etc. Long story short, my legs are hairy, my belly is big, and my motivation is low.
I rode to work tuesday, then doubled my milage for the month and rode home.
The good news is that i have shaken off the excuses, dusted off the bike, and im going to start stringing it together, again.
Our family is about to expand, again, any day now, so i am looking forward to some trailer rides with the boys to give mom some quality time with the newborn.

Thats about it for now - see you all at the Glenview Grand Prix!