Old Skool

Old Skool
Downers Grove - 1990

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

catching up

so i am now 12 days into quitting drinking pepsi cold turkey. i can say the headaches have been brutal, and im glad i was never addicted to meth or something crazy like that, because im ready to tear my head off; and all i quit was drinking pepsi.
it also seems i quit riding, between illnes throughout the family and crappy weather that requires me to clear snow instead of riding, its been fairly bleek for feb so far.

thats all for now, time to go drink some lemon water and not think about pepsi


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

RIP Sheldon Brown

Anyone who ever tinkered with a bicycle, made a living in the back room of a shop, or needed to find an answer to a unique question; knows the name Sheldon Brown. Master of problem solving and cycling’s' own 'google' for information; has passed away from a heart attack Feb. 3 2008. The world of bicycles has lost a guru, and I wish his family well.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

better than a bike ride....

my friend Bill finally bought a house and moved in. Im really glad he is a bachelor, because Super Chexx hockey now takes over the room most people would use to eat dinner in. Bill rocks!