Old Skool

Old Skool
Downers Grove - 1990

Thursday, May 29, 2008


The excuse list is as follows:
1 - didn't eat enough for lunch
2 - still tired from the Bone Ride
3 - went too hard on the way out to the ride
4 - shouldn't have gone for that sprint
5 - must be flat legs today
6 - blah blah blah

Facts - i sucked yesterday
i probably suck even more today

Big wednesday - rode in, rode out, attempted to do the chicken - had a minor seismic implosion on the return trip. By the Numbers - 5 hrs 15 min, 2754kj, 130km, 1 meltdown

I will post some pics and tales on the chickenride web page later. Look for the New Column - Pro of the week interview on the Chicken page

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Richy's Bone Ride

For a full ride summary go to http://chickenride.blogspot.com/
to read the full version.
I rolled my Zipp 404 Tubies to help save energy where ever possible.
The ride out was pretty low key, a light to mild west / northwest wind kept things under control.
It was about 4:30 to get into Madison with the wind holding us up. I had polished off 2 bottels, 2 cliff bars, a flask of hammer gel, and 2 packages of sport beans on the way up, i felt like i was ahead of the game again this year. I picked up a footlong from Subway and a big coke to keep the caffeine rolling in me. The ride home wasn't bad, but i had some spots where i was uncomfortable. Our group was caught about 25 miles after we left by a handful of other guys. With the tailwind we were able to roll around 23-24mph pretty easy, but guys constantly wanted to push that up to 26 or more, and with the rollers we encounter close to Madison, i was not as comfy as i had hoped. I think between maybe 170km and 200k i felt the worst, but the BP we stop at for a quick refuel cam up quick which helped moral a TON! that BP is at 200km, and is a huge mental landmark for the ride. It marks about 30 miles to go, and it is also the scene of my complete meltdown in 2006. Personally i like to see the BP, but i only want to stay long enough to recycle fluids and keep moving. We opted for a unique route back into town courtesy of a local guy we know, and that helped mix things up as well. Once we got to about 7 or 8 miles to go, everyone was feeling relief, and the mood was mellow and improving as we neared the finish.
I would say that this year was one of the best rides we have had in the last few years of doing this. It was good to see some old friends for the ride, and i can only say thanx a million to my Ed, and to the guys at SRAM.

Details -
250km - 155 miles
7:57:52 of wheels turning
I did beat last years time with 2:05 of not pedaling!
4483 total KJ burnt ( not bad with 2 hrs not pedaling)
time out was just about 4:30, so that makes 3:30 for the ride home.

Consumed 4 bottles of Gatorade, 3 bottles of water, 2 cokes during the ride, 3 cliff bars, 2 flasks of Hammer Gel, 3 bags of Sport beans, on footlong sandwich, bag of doritos, and a big coke for lunch!

Some of the guys wanted some Starbucks before we rolled out, but Bos was quick to spot the baskin-robbins and i grabbed a chocolate shake for the trip to kenosha area for some fine dinning at Culvers. Noting says recovery like a butter burger.

Now we have just 363 days left till the Bone Ride 2009!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Final Prep

The original plan was to get out for Monsters of the Midway crit on saturday - plans went south on that and given that the Bone Ride is now Hours away - i opted to get out for some distance.
I ended up with 3.5 solo, and felt pretty good cruising through a new loop out by Lisle, swooping through a section of Naperville, before turning north to get thru Wheaton, and heading due east thru Glen Ellyn (FYI The Bike Shop has a new home north of the RR tracks in Glen Ellyn Now), Lombard, Villa Park, Elmhurst, etc. Good loop, i added some extra time on the zoo path.

Finally i rode in today - will get a casual pedal home tonight, take Tuesday off (gotta taper ya know!) - then a final tune of the rig for the EARLY wed Am departure.

I don't know why I'm nervous about the ride this year but i am. Same game plan as always - HIDE for the ride up, and only pedal when you have to on the way home. I'm going to see if i can break last years numbers of not pedaling for 2 hrs of the event.

From here - its just a matter of rolling the dice!

Friday, May 16, 2008

the 5/14 chicken and 4 days till Bone

it was a light turnout of the usual suspects for this weeks edition of the Chicken. A calm crown rolled out toward the theaters, and good conversation was had by all. On the roll into the Romeoville sprint, it was easy to see the group was in no hurry to get there. I gassed it at about 350m and only Bos and Todd came in tow. Bos made quick work of me and punched it past at around 100m to go for the points there. The 3 of us regrouped and continued to roll, which nullified the usual Tawse attack into extra time. Tawse did take advantage of the tailwind, and attacked the group that was rolling bar to bar to get about a 5 sec advantage at the u turn.
We were very thoughtful and left Scooter out there to marinate in the headwind up until the Natural break at frontage road. We had a nice rotating line from there, it was a bit choppy-er than usual, and seemed to be victim of the 'fast-slows'. The roll up Wolf was pretty Piano, but i fell victim to the skinny kids that gassed it hard core up the hill at Joliet Rd. I was left in the fodder and have no idea who took the V. Lousy Skinny Kids. I will warn you all, dont take the sprinter to the right hander on Plainfield Rd!

Now for the Bigger task - Bone Ride 2008
On wednesday May 21 we will ride (weather permitting) from Milwaukee, Wi, to Madison, Wi, consume an extra large coke and a footlong something rather from Subway, and ride back to Milwaukee. Its 160 Miles. 260km. A LOOOONG day in the saddle.
On paper, i have enough long rides in to make it through, but there are a LOT of variables.
Weather, wind, turnout, etc that can influence it. Im hoping to get my 'you finished' hug from ED again this year.

I will keep you all updated

Fat Kid - Out

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Anyone who rides a bike has been in a situation with Hecklers. It could be people in a car, on the street, etc, etc. For those that commute to work on the bike, it can be an almost daily occurrence. As a young punk i was quick to throw up a finger and blurt out some witty sarcastic garbage. As an old punk, I'm too lazy to lift the finger and i hold my witty tongue or mumble it underbreath. I have certainly learned over the years that ignoring hecklers can be one of the most offensive responses to them as their goal is to get a rise out of me.

Today was unique for me, it was a POSITIVE heckle, i wouldn't even really call it a heckle of the truest sense. Rolling past a neighborhood bus stop not too far out my place, a guy waiting gave me the head nod and asked " saving gas?" i responded - "yep - I'm tryin" .. now here is what really blew my away because i thought that was going to be all the exchange .. he says "cool, way to go" Needless to say, it was a VERY unexpected morning exchange, and it set a pretty positive tone for my ride in today, and gave me some good time to think of this post.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Gone Racin'

so i threw my hat in the ring this weekend for the first time in 2008. It was a crit fairly close by in Vernon Hills that was advertised as flat with 4 corners. All good.
I signed up for the Masters 1/2/3 and the Cat 3 events - might as well REALLY torture myself right???
The layout was righthanders with Turn 1 a sweeper, #2 a semi tightish semi downhill turn into more narrow lanes, which was fine as the wind was crosswind here, so all were gutterballing in the right side, next for Turn 3 was a 90 degree righthander able to take at speed, and 4 was a sweeper that kind of kinked back right, so those on the outside had to pay attention.
The Masters race started out pretty quick, we had 4 representing from Albertos.
On the 3rd or 4th attempt it looked like the break of the day would be established, but it was more of a split than a break. We had Stathy and Zionts up the road, Haas was cooked from a prior effort to get there, so he and I were sitting behind. We saw a good opportunity as a few guys were ramping up some speed, there was a good spot on the homestretch so i tried to launch B across the gap. I gassed it the whole front stretch and swung off to give him a section to get there - he unfortunately didn't make it, and that effort was a beautiful attack off the back for me when the field came by. I sat up and soft peddled, and hopped back in when they came around again. i hung tight for a bit, and again the 2nd group was restless and starting to narrow the gap on a slowing 1st group. It was late in the race, so i think the front group was starting to think about saving it for the finish. The announcer said 4 to go, so i figured if there was any shot of getting Haas up there it better be soon. I got him in tow and launched a full out effort between turn 2 and 3, swung wide and gave him a clean look thru the turn. He has one in tow so i really hoped that was the ticket. (turns out that was over 650w for 30 sec, not shabby) That was all for me as i came by with 3 to go, i wanted to see the finish. No luck again for Haas, stuck out in no mans land for the finish.
On a positive note Stathy was 4th and Zionts was 5th, i believe Zionts won the 40+ division.

Cat 3 race was larger, but way more herky jerky. It was all gas, then all brakes. Not much slower than the masters race, but after about 30 minutes of 2-3 sprints per lap, my day was done. Nothing to write home about here.
All said and done i got about 90 minutes of hard racing in, and i was very happy to be able to help out the team instead of just holding on for dear life.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

3 reasons why i ride

what a great day for a bike walk with the fam!
we did 5 km in 26 minutes and i LOVED it

for those youngsters at home THIS is what it means to have a recovery ride